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The Complete Guide to BR1M 2018

BY Team Loanstreet

Updated 19 Oct 2018

BR1M 2018, whether anticipated or otherwise, has already had more than 7 million applications approved, all of which involve a cool RM6.12 billion. What exactly does this mean for Malaysian citizens who are eligible for the BR1M 2018 application process?

Here are a few of the highlighted benefits for those looking to reap the rewards of the latest BR1M.

What's covered in this article?



It has been reported that the 7 million Malaysians applying for BR1M this year may receive additional increments on top of the maximum benefit of RM1,200 per household. The prime minister has recently announced that the BR1M payout will be doubled for existing recipients this year. These updates are as follows:

  1. Recipients with a household income of RM3,000 and below: Their BR1M payment doubled from RM400 to RM800 in June and August this year. This means a total of RM2,000 will be paid out (including the first payment of RM400) for BR1M 2018 from the previously announced RM1,200.
  2. For households with an income between RM3,001 and RM4,000: Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak has said the payment will be increased from RM300 to RM600, while single individuals with an income below RM2,000 would be given an additional RM150 in addition to the RM450 they received in February.
  3. There will be two entirely new categories this year: The Prime Minister also recently announced that households earning between RM4,000 and RM5,000 will receive RM700 which will be paid in two installments – RM350 in June and another RM350 in August. The second new category is a one-off aid of RM1,500 for the children of BR1M recipients who received offers to further their studies at institutions of higher education.

Families or individuals who successfully applied for BR1M during the previous allocation won’t have to re-apply for the latest BR1M aid. However, recipients are advised to update their applications, which can be done either offline or online.


Application Process

Eligible individuals are able to apply online by retrieving the applications forms from the EBR1M official website. There are no charges incurred for the application of BR1M and application forms are free.

If one prefers to apply for the initiative offline, physical applications can be made manually at the nearest IRB branch. In any case, it is advisable to print and keep records of applications that have been updated, especially through the online platform.

For constant updates regarding BR1M, you can also follow and like the BR1M official Facebook page. Other notes that one would need to take note of:

  • Application for BR1M 2018 Appeal can be made at all LHDNM Branches from 02 April 2018 to 31 May 2018 (subject to amendment). Evidence of Unacceptable Grounds Code and Support Documents to be brought during the appeal period.
  • Printable Copy of BR1M 2018 Pass Phase (Phase 1) can be made at LHDNM Branch from 2 April 2018 (Monday) and online printing can be done from April 6, 2018 (Friday) at MyBR1M Menu> Status Check.
  • Application of BR1M 2018 Online Appeal can be made from April 13, 2018, and only applies to applicants with certain statuses not passed. In addition to the non-pass status, an appeal must be made at the IRBM Branch. Further details of the non-approved pass status can also be found online at the official website.


Eligible applicants for BR1M 2018

For organisation purposes, the Government will be issuing payments from BR1M 2018 to eligible applicants according to categories. Each category is eligible for specific benefits based on factors like income and current applicant status. Here is a list of the categories mentioned so far:

1. Category 1: Single individuals

Under RM2,000 income with a total assistance of RM600.

  • February 2018: RM450 (Beginning February 26 2018, in stages)
  • Second installment: RM150 (June 2018)

2. Category 2: Household

The recipients of this category include those with monthly incomes ranging from RM3,001 to RM4,000 per month.

  • First installment: RM300 (Effective February 26 2018)
  • Second installment: RM600 (June 2018 - To be updated)
  • Third installment: RM600 (August 2018 - To be updated)

3. Category 3: Household

The third category includes those who have incomes below RM3,000. The amount of assistance received is RM2,000.

  • First installment: RM400 (Beginning February 26 2018, in stages)
  • Second installment: RM800 (June 2018 - To be updated)
  • Third installment: RM800 (August 2018 - To be updated)

4. Category 4: Household (New)

The fourth category includes those who have incomes between RM4,001 and RM5,000.

  • First installment: RM350 (June 2018 - To be updated)
  • Second installment: RM350 (August 2018 - To be updated)

5. Category 5: Student (New)

The fifth category includes a one-off payment of RM1,500 given to young BR1M recipients who are furthering their education at institutions of higher education. Items to prepare for BR1M Online applications:

  • Identity Card (IC) Information for eligible applicants.
  • Latest mailing address of eligible applicant.
  • Latest banking information (Bank account Number). Only applicants’ bank accounts are permitted to receive BR1M funds. No joint name, company, loan and other accounts are permitted.
  • Identity Card (IC) Information for spouse and all dependencies.


Payment Methods

Issued BR1M assistance will be paid out through various methods. These procedures are organized by the Government for the convenience of the applicants involved in the initiative and may ensure more flexibility in accommodating all those eligible for benefits.

  • Bank Account:

With this method, payments will go directly into the recipient’s bank account (if they’ve stated the bank account number upon request).

  • BR1M Voucher:

If applicants do not have bank accounts, they may receive their BR1M payment vouchers. These vouchers can then be cashed into banks such as Bank Simpanan Nasional (BSN), CIMB or Maybank.

- Affin Bank
- Agro Bank
- Alliance Bank Malaysia Berhad
- Am Bank Berhad
- Al Rajhi Bank
- Bank Islam Malaysia Berhad
- Bank Rakyat
- Muamalat Malaysia Berhad
- National Savings Bank (Bsn)
- CIMB Bank Berhad
- Citibank Berhad
- Hong Leong Bank
- Hongkong Shanghai Bank Malaysia Bhd
- Maybank


Death Benefit Scheme (SKK) and Funeral Scheme BR1M 2018

The BR1M Death Benefit refers to a one-time compensation of RM1,000 for a whole family or individual applicants in respect to a calamity. BR1M 2018’s Death Benefit criteria includes those that have passed away between Jan 1 to Dec 31 of 2018.

Additionally, an original/JPN copy of the death certificate, a beneficiary IC and proof of relationship with the beneficiary are all necessary before approval of an application.

  • The Death Benefit Scheme (SKK) BR1M 2018 can be made by any Bank Simpanan Nasional Branch (BSN) from February 26 2018.
  • The BR1M 2018 Appeal Counter at LHDNM Branch is only open on weekdays. Please check the BR1M 2018 Appeal Table at all LHDNM Branches.


Sources for more inquiries

If there’s something that isn’t clear to you or if you would like to know more about a specific component of the BR1M 2018 initiative, you may contact any one of these sources:

Finance Ministry: 03-8882 4566 or 03-8882 4565
Inland Revenue Board: 1-800-88-2716

The official website of BR1M is full of resources and information pertaining to the BR1M initiative and all of its processes.



Eligible Malaysians may continue to enjoy the value that BR1M brings in 2018, based on the respective criteria set by the Government. The Government itself continues its mission of offering assistance through the BR1M initiative, but is it really as magnanimous as it portrays itself to be? We took a closer look into whether BR1M will ultimately aid or destroy Malaysia, and we think you should too.

*Side note: The figures in this article are based on the latest announcement by the Prime Minister on April 7th of 2018 regarding BR1M’s updated benefits.

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Team Loanstreet

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