1. Use a Petrol Credit Card

This is a sign for you to apply for a petrol credit card. Some banks offer these specialised credit cards that provide benefits every time you refuel. Here's how it works: when you use your petrol credit card at a designated petrol station, you will earn cashback or reward points for every litre of fuel you purchase. Over time, these rewards can add up, helping you cut down on your fuel expenses.
But that's not all. These petrol credit cards often offer additional benefits like cashback on groceries, medicine, and even phone bills. So, not only are you saving on fuel, but you’re also getting extra perks for your everyday expenses. It's like hitting two birds with one stone!
2. Avoid idling your car for more than 3 minutes

Leaving your engine running while you quickly run an errand might seem harmless, but it's wasting fuel. Even though your car isn’t moving, the engine still burns fuel. So, make it a habit to turn off your engine if you’ll be parked for more than 3 minutes. Sometimes, saving fuel is just as simple as that!
3. Air-con vs. Open window
There’s some debate about whether using the AC or opening the windows is more fuel-efficient. Research indicates that using the AC can increase fuel consumption by around 8-10%. On the other hand, opening your windows creates extra drag, which can be more noticeable at high speeds. So, here’s what you can do:
If you drive at a speed of 80 km/h or less - It's more economical to open your windows. This is because running the air conditioning at this low engine speed creates an extra demand.
If you drive at speeds over 80km/h - It's more economical to use the air conditioning system. This is because the drag from opening your windows will have more resistance at high speeds, so it's more beneficial to use the air conditioning system.
So, if you’re driving with open windows and want to enjoy late night breeze, just keep your speed within the limit to save on fuel.
4. Plan your journey ahead

Before you hit the road, use Waze or Google Maps to check for shorter routes and avoid traffic jams. Sticking to congested roads can lead to heavy fuel consumption because of frequent braking, sudden acceleration, and changing speeds. So, finding an alternative route with less traffic can help you save both time and money on your journey.
5. Get your car serviced

When was the last time you had your car checked? Regular servicing can save you loads on fuel. Here are some basic things you can start with:
- Improved engine performance: A well-maintained engine runs efficiently, boosting fuel efficiency.
- Proper tyre maintenance: Keep your tyres properly inflated to reduce rolling resistance and improve fuel economy.
- Clean air filter: Dirty air filters can restrict airflow and decrease fuel efficiency. Make sure to keep them clean to maintain optimal performance.
Regular car servicing ensures your vehicle is in top condition, reducing fuel consumption and saving you money in the long run.
6. Change your driving technique
Do you consider yourself a smooth driver? Smooth driving usually involves steady acceleration and deceleration, and avoiding sudden stops and starts. When you hit the brakes or speed up abruptly, your engine will work harder and burns more fuel. But, if you keep your speed changes steady, you’ll improve your average speed and save on fuel.
And if you’re driving a manual, don’t forget to shift gears early. Early shifting keeps your engine running smoothly and helps you save fuel.
7. Reduce your carload
Quit cluttering your car with unnecessary stuff! Cars that carry extra weight burn more fuel, so it's time for you to clear out the junk. Get rid of anything you don’t use regularly. Those old gym bags, boxes, and random junk in your trunk are just weighing your car down.
If you’re planning a trip, make a list of what you need to bring and stick to it. Pack smart and avoid overloading your car with unnecessary stuff. Lightening your car’s load not only saves you money on fuel but also makes your drive smoother.
8. Don’t speed up if not necessary

Avoid speeding up unless you really need to. Your car engine burns more fuel at high speeds to battle wind resistance. The faster you go, the more fuel you use. Tests have shown that constantly varying your speed between 75 and 85 km/h every 18 seconds can increase your fuel use by 20%. So, keeping a steady speed can help you save fuel and make your drive more efficiently.
Be cautious with your spending
While these tips can help you save on fuel, there’s an even simpler way to cut costs—skip using petrol altogether. Consider using public transport or carpooling with friends and family. Not only will this save you money, but it’s also a great way to reduce your carbon footprint and help the environment.
*The above article is intended for informational purposes only. Loanstreet accepts no responsibility for loss that may arise from reliance on information contained in the articles.