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Top 4 Benefits of Having Multiple Credit Cards

BY Team Loanstreet

Updated 10 Dec 2024

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Thinking of getting another credit card but unsure if it’s a good idea? Let’s break it down for you! Multiple credit cards can actually be super useful—if you know how to manage them wisely. Here’s how you can make the most of it.


What's covered in this article?

1. Maximise your usage of different types of rewards



These days, one of the most attractive aspects of a credit card is its rewards system. Some cards focus on rewarding frequent users with attractive gifts, some specialize in cash rebates for frequent shoppers, and there are cards for frequent fliers too! Seems like there are so many good offers to choose from right? Which one should you take? Well, who said you had to choose? 


By having more than one credit card, you can tailor your credit card usage to maximize the different rewards and adapt them to your lifestyle. For example, if you find yourself purchasing a lot of petrol for your car, and at the same time you also travel abroad often, you can get one card specifically for petrol rebates, and another card for travel rewards. This way you can get the best of both worlds! Click here to find out more about how to choose the right credit card!


2. Gives you financial flexibility in the event of an emergency 



In times of emergency when you need more cash than you have on hand, having more than one card gives you more financial reach. 


For example, let’s say that you have one credit card, and it has a credit limit of RM10,000. Imagine that one day you find yourself in dire need of RM20,000 for medical expenses. Your one credit card won’t be enough, right? But if you have 2 credit cards you can have access to RM20,000 which will help you meet your emergency needs. 


Of course, you should not abuse the usage of credit on multiple cards. Take care not to bite off more than you can chew! The point is that having more than one credit card gives you financial flexibility, allowing you to adapt to adverse situations like the one mentioned above. The onus is on you to observe financial responsibility with your cards!


3. It can help you boost your credit score faster 



Will having more than one credit card hurt my credit score? That’s a question that many people considering this issue have asked. Well, fear not, dear reader, because the answer to that question is no! Having multiple credit cards will not hurt your credit score as long as you always make your payments on time. 


In fact, if you always pay your credit card bill on time, and you possess a low debt utilization ratio by using no more than 20% of your credit limit at any given time, having more than one credit card will actually help you build your credit score faster.


4. Flexibility with credit card bill payment


By having multiple credit cards, you can actually spread your payments over the course of a month, instead of just piling all the debt on only one card. By spreading out the payments over time, you can pay off your debt in bite-sized bits to make them easier to manage. You can adapt the different interest rates of different cards to your personal payment schedule, for example, it may be a good idea to have a low-interest card that you pay off over a few months, while a high-interest card with good rewards can be used for daily purchases and its debt paid off in full every month.


Some cards also have interest-free grace periods or free balance transfers within a certain time of purchase. If you find yourself having to make a substantial purchase that you have to pay over the course of a few months, you can consider signing up for a new card and transferring over the debt to this card to save on interest costs.


Be a smart spender! 



In order to have multiple credit cards it is crucial to be a responsible spender. Who is a responsible spender? A responsible spender is a person who thinks before making any purchase or in simple words is a person who knows how to manage to pay his expenses and debts. If you want to find out more about credit cards you can visit this link.


*The above article is intended for informational purposes only. Loanstreet accepts no responsibility for loss that may arise from reliance on information contained in the articles.




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Team Loanstreet

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