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Falling Ringgit Might Have Less To Do With Malaysia, Here's Why

BY Team Loanstreet

Updated 24 May 2024

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*This article was first written by Haslam Zainuddin. The content and information on this article might be changed or updated periodically by Team Loanstreet without notice

Ever wondered how prices of electronic goods such as smartphones and laptops have risen steadily? Or when travels overseas to places like Europe, Japan and even neighbouring Singapore give a financial shock at the end of the trip? Even prices of imported foods and beverages have risen steadily over time. Is this what we call inflation? Or is it something else?

However, this is not the worst one we have seen in recent years. According to, 2024 has seen Ringgit fall as low as RM4.76 to the dollar.

Image from

So what's happening here? Are we being affected by the current administration? Are we going down to the financial crisis of 1997 again?

There is one external factor that we might have overlooked, which is the looming trade war between the USA and China, which is exactly what we are going to talk about in this article

To understand the trade war, here are four things that we are going to look at:

  1. What is a trade war?
  2. How did China become the target of America?
  3. How did Malaysia get involved?
  4. How will this affect you?

What's covered in this article?

What is a trade war?


Image from World Affairs.

A trade war, specifically trade between countries is where the government imposes taxes on the imports of goods from the other country. The motive behind these measures is usually economical. A country that is importing more than it exports is effectively spending more than it earns. 

Therefore to curb this problem quickly, the affected government may impose hefty taxes on imports. This effectively causes the cost of imported goods to rise which results in higher prices for consumers.

So instead of relying on the plain old free market of supply & demand to determine market prices, the government is trying to manipulate the market. A sinister move if you’re looking from the exporting country.

In this case of trade wars between the USA and China, the USA has for at least the past half a century been riding on consumer demand to drive its economy. As the population grows, so does the demand for goods & services. Stiff competition to get on top of this US market includes innovative technological advances and cheaper prices for that winning edge. Competing for cheaper prices usually means lowering manufacturing costs and sourcing cheaper goods from other developing countries like China.

How did China become the target of America?

Image from toonpool.

China in the earlier years was the only country in the world that could manufacture goods at the required lower price target and of the huge quantity for production. With China’s massive population of over 1.3 billion, labor costs are insanely low. Fast forward to the 21st century, China is now a manufacturing hub and also an economic powerhouse. It is arguably the second-largest economy in the world if not the largest right now.  

For the USA, rushing forward from the manufacturing powerhouse that it once was from 1945 until the 1970s has since seen a trade deficit. This means the difference between making money from exports to spending from imports. As of 2017, US trade deficits are at USD566 Billion and the USA has been in deficit for every year since 4 decades ago!

Therefore to combat this problem, the USA chose to restrict imports from China via taxes levied

How did Malaysia get involved?


Image from OEC.

It’s not just Malaysia, many export-reliant economies of most developing countries export to China. China would be the main assembly factory in the world, almost everything is made in China! However, the raw materials are sourced from developing countries. For example, the manufacturing of electronic goods, from smartphones to laptops. Most are assembled in China, but many critical parts are sourced from Malaysia, Japan, Vietnam & Korea. Therefore if China’s export numbers fall, so will the demand for parts from the countries mentioned above.

This only covers one industry, which is electronics. Many other bits and bobs that we use daily and take for granted are made in China. From furniture, shoes, and clothing to even household products like detergents and such. Recreational types of equipment such as bicycles, toys, and fishing rods are mostly manufactured there. Cosmetics and medicine/medical equipment are made in China but many raw materials are sourced from developing countries like Malaysia.   

According to MIT Media Lab, Malaysia exports not just circuit boards & microchips, but also palm oil, Petroleum & gas, crude oil, Metals & minerals like copper, aluminum, rubber products & animal products. Malaysia does trade heavily with China.

How will this affect you?


With the import demand for materials from Malaysia waning, so will our Ringgit. Furthermore, Chinese manufacturers will want to maintain their price margins, and with main exports to the USA affected, they will have no choice but to raise the prices of their finished goods as well. Thus potentially making China-made products pricier than they are now. Which will affect our living costs & standards. 


The point here is that, even before factoring in the trade wars between the USA and China, Malaysia is already experiencing weakness in the ringgit, or how we feel it is inflation. What will happen to our Ringgit then when the US-China trade war goes into full bloom? Let’s just hope those two giant elephants can sort out their differences before the rest of us jungle animals are stomped to a certain demise.

So what can we do as Rakyat? One of the ways is to support locally manufactured products so we can keep supply and demand within our economy. And the importance of saving, and if you have the means, start investing and diversifying your portfolio be it property, insurance, alternative investments, and many others.

We hope to write more articles about investment in the future. In the meantime, if you find this article useful, do share it with your friends!

*The above article is intended for informational purposes only. Loanstreet accepts no responsibility for loss that may arise from reliance on information contained in the articles.


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