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8 Apps To Help You Track Your Finances Easily

BY Team Loanstreet

Updated 12 Jan 2022

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It’s important to manage your finances properly to avoid future financial issues or worse - facing bankruptcy. Without insight into how and where your income is being spent, it is rather difficult to save, budget or plans effectively. Still, tracking every bit of spending can be tiresome and perhaps even impractical when you have to sit down with a pencil and paper (or spreadsheet), trying to recall your purchases.

Thankfully, with the various money management apps currently available, you can easily input your income and expenses in real-time and have the app do a tally for you. For that reason, we’ve compiled some of the most supportive apps that you can download to your smartphone or tablet to ease you in tracking your personal finances. 


What's covered in this article?

1. Money Manager

This app allows you to record your personal and business financial transactions, generate spending reports, review your daily, weekly and monthly financial data and manage your assets with its spending tracker and budget planner.

That's not all. It also features the double-entry bookkeeping accounting system that automatically deposits your money into your account as soon as your income is input and draws money from your account as soon as your expense is input. 

Like Dislike
  • Detailed transaction tracking
  • Satisfactory free version
  • User-friendly interface
  • Statistics view lacking
  • No credit limit balance is shown in the credit card account

2. Fast Budget

This app is extremely helpful to those who have trouble keeping track of their credit card expenses. Just Input credit limits, interest rates, due dates as well as what you’ve charged to the card and the program will help you monitor when repayments are due. You can also check on your spending capacity to avoid exceeding the credit limit.

Apart from that, the app lets you view your incomes and expenses with a quick summary based on day, week, month and year or by category. You also have the option of generating pie and bar charts to see your expenses, income or both in graphic form.
Like Dislike
  • Customisable categories of income and expenses
  • Reasonable pricing for the pro version
  • Easy to navigate user interface
  • Limited chart types 
  • Can’t include monthly budget
  • Cannot sync across the platform with the same account

3. Wallet: Budget Expense Tracker

Wallet is an all in one finance tracker app that allows you to manage your bills, track your expenses and save money. It also allows you to export your financial report to Microsoft Excel or PDF. 

Unique to Wallet is that it provides automatic bank updates that could automatically sync your transactions from your bank account and categorize them into your budget. Currently, there are only a few participating banks locally, of which are Malayan Berhad, Bank Islam, HSBC, BSN, Ambank, HongLeong Bank, and Alliance Bank. 
Like Dislike
  • Easy to navigate user interface
  • Able to link to a bank account
  • No ads on the free version
  • Cannot add a new subcategory
  • Minor glitches

4. MoneyLover

As a comprehensive finance tracking app, you can expect an immense number of planning and budgeting tools at your disposal. Use this app to track normal spending, create budgets, monitor debt, and set saving goals. To make logging easier, you can even scan receipts and have the total automatically added to your list of expenses.

What’s impressive about this app is that its categorisation of expenses remarkably pinpoints the exact direction of your expenditure. With it, you’ll be able to control your finances and manage debt much more effectively.
Like Dislike
  • User-friendly interface
  • Able to link to bank
  • Able to sync to desktop and app easily
  • Pricy premium subscription
  • Minor bugs

5. Expense Manager

If you are looking for a comprehensive money management app that is sophisticated enough to cater to small business users as well, then this one might just make the cut. Use the app to track fixed expenses, incomes, savings, and loans as well as planning for side projects.

Its attractive user interface, video tutorials and finance tips make it one of the more engaging money apps around.

Loaded with free and premium features, you’ll be able to export data to Microsoft Excel, log transactions through voice recognition software and attach pictures, receipts and invoices as support documents.
Like Dislike
  • User-friendly interface
  • Able to record cash flow easily
  • No data permission needed
  • Not displaying the full amount
  • Annoying ads
  • Hard to contact support

6. Spendee

Spendee is a free budgeting app that allows you to track your spending and optimize your budget. There is also a web version available that allows you to see your finances on a bigger screen. 

Unique to Spendee is that it allows you to get an overview of your weekly, monthly and yearly spending. It also allows you to synchronise it with your bank account or e-wallet.
Like Dislike
  • User-friendly interface
  • Graph function for visualisation
  • Feature complete free version
  • Not displaying the full amount
  • Annoying ads
  • Hard to contact support

7. Monefy

Have a hard time managing your expenses? With Monefy's simple and easy to navigate user interface, you could easily add in your everyday expenses within a click of a button. Tracking daily purchases and bills has never been easier using this money manager.
Like Dislike
  • Easy and quick to use
  • Transfer funds between accounts easily
  • Minimal ads
  • Lack of chart (graph) functions (only pie chart available)
  • Lack of category customisation
  • Transactions not listed in order

8. Vault - Budget Planner

Want to view your financial situation on the calendar? Then try out Vault - Budget Planner. Vault can not only allow you to see your spending on the calendar but also forecast your future financial situation based on your current income and spendings. Furthermore, it could also show your income/expenses in the form of charts (graphs). Although it’s not as popular and complex as the other apps mentioned before, there are still a lot of people complimenting its minimalistic design that’s easy to navigate and use.  
Like Dislike
  • Simple and easy to use
  • Able to show the preview of upcoming balances
  • Able to see income and expenses by month
  • Search function lacking
  • Bland user interface
  • Minor bugs 

What other ways you can try to track your money?

If you need more help with tracking your expenses, try using less cash and instead more traceable sources such as debit cards, online banking and credit cards. This way you can monitor your money through transaction statements and stay ahead of your finances. Also, you can try using e-wallet apps such as Touch n Go and Grab Pay that could allow you to check your weekly and monthly statements.

Do you have trouble deciding which e-wallet app to use? We’ve also written an article on Which App Is Leading the Great Malaysian e-Wallet Showdown for the comparison of different local e-wallet apps.

Until then, have fun trying out these apps.

*The above article is intended for informational purposes only. Loanstreet accepts no responsibility for loss that may arise from reliance on information contained in the article.

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Team Loanstreet

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