Wait, is UOB Mighty and UOB TMRW the same thing?

If you’re already a UOB customer, you might be wondering about this. The answer is YES but better. UOB Mighty was the Bank’s first mobile banking app launched in 2017 that enabled customers to turn their smartphones into electronic wallets and to enjoy great dining deals in the country and across the region.
Since then, the Bank continuously enhanced the app, most notably by integrating AI capabilities with best-in-class financial technologies that empower customers to make wiser financial decisions on their savings and spending.
That’s how UOB TMRW came into the picture. It’s built around the customer and comes with innovative and multidimensional capabilities in investments, payments and rewards that serves each customer’s unique needs and preferences.

While there are plenty of exciting reasons why using the UOB TMRW app could be a great move financially, here are three particularly special features of the app that piqued our interest the most:
1. UOB Insights

From analysing your cash flows and debit or credit card expenditures to keeping track of how much your expenses in a particular area have increased between months and even notifying you when a service provider has charged you far more than it should in a transaction.
The UOB Insights capability makes the UOB TMRW app a truly useful financial tool to have in your pocket.
2. More profitable savings
UOB TMRW also does much more than just keep track of things!

It’s also built to take note of different opportunities for you to save money. The app is able to detect when a certain UOB account or savings plan - such as UOB Stash - is enjoying higher interest rates, and will then inform you of this development so that you can look into it further.
Additionally, through the app, customers can get an overview of their investment portfolios, including information such as mark-to-market values and real-time performances, so they can manage their wealth conveniently on the go.
3. Rewards, rewards, rewards!
We can’t help but smile as we share this specific point with you because who doesn’t love rewards?
The Rewards+ mechanism also allows you to browse through a rewards catalogue and redeem them using UNIRinggit points or coupons. You can even use UNIRinggit points to pay for purchases or enjoy extra discounts!
Furthermore, UOB TMRW, the Bank will soon integrate an extensive range of self-service functionalities for UOB cards. This upcoming update will empower customers to conveniently carry out various card-related tasks directly within the app.
These tasks include card activations, temporary credit limit increases, applications for payment instalments, card replacements, and balance conversions. The Bank aims to implement these enhanced features later this year.
For more information, CLICK HERE.
*The above article is intended for informational purposes only. Loanstreet accepts no responsibility for loss that may arise from reliance on information contained in the articles.