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Malaysia My Second Home (MM2H): Requirements & Guidelines

BY Contributor - iProperty

Updated 24 May 2024

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So you may have seen and heard of Malaysia’s year-round warm climate, friendly people and mind-blowing local food and you want in on the action. Here are the latest requirements, terms and conditions for Malaysia My Second Home (MM2H), a housing programme catered to foreign retirees and working expatriates who are looking for a second home.

NOTE: In August 2020, the government has decided to temporarily suspend the MM2H programme to allow the Ministry of Tourism, Arts and Culture (MOTAC) and related agencies to comprehensively review and re-evaluate the MM2H program since its inception in 2002. The suspension was in line with the Government's decision not to allow foreigners to enter Malaysia following the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic.

After a suspension lasting over a year, in October 2021, the Immigration Department resumed processing new MM2H applications, providing services for both existing applications and logistical support. Subsequently, a series of new rules have been instituted, shaping the landscape of MM2H eligibility and requirements.

What's covered in this article?

What is MM2H Programme?

It’s a program initiated by the Government of Malaysia and introduced by the Ministry of Tourism and Culture (MOTAC) to welcome people from all over the world to reside in this beautiful country. 

Upon becoming an MM2H holder, you will obtain an MM2H visit pass which has a validity of up to 5 years, and it is renewable upon fulfillment of the renewal requirement when it expires.

The duration of the visa depends on your passport validity, so it’s best to renew your passport to get the maximum number of years of visa. Nevertheless, you can easily extend your visa provided you have all the required documents and financial capacity. 

However, bear in mind that this is not a Permanent Residence (PR) Permit nor does it lead towards you getting a PR eventually. You will simply possess a Social Visit Pass with multiple entries and exit under the MM2H program.

Want to know the minimum threshold for foreign residential property purchases? READ: Buying Property in Malaysia as a Foreigner 


So, who can apply for MM2H?

  • Citizens of all countries regardless of age, religion,or gender.
  • You are allowed to bring your spouse, unmarried children under the age of 21, and your parents.
  • Plus, you can also apply for a helper or maid service to make your stay in Malaysia more comfortable.
  • If you are worried about leaving your pet behind in your home country, fret not as there are specific MM2H procedures that allow your furry friend to tag along.

Are there any general requirements for MM2H?

Applicants will have to meet the following criteria:
1) First of all, you will need to show proof of liquid assets and meet certain financial requirements as follows:
35 years old and above RM1.5 million RM40,000
RM1 million
* Additional RM50,000 per dependant will be required in the fixed deposit account.

2) There are additional costs involved should you obtain a Conditional Approval Letter to enter the country via MM2H. This entails a one-off Personal Bond payment which could cost up to RM2,000. You are also liable to pay RM90 per year for your social pass under MM2H.

3) Most applicants opt to secure the services of an Agent/Agency to assist them with their MM2H application. These agencies may offer various packages and you can select one that best fits your financial and personal capacity. Their fee may range from RM8,000 – RM10,000 depending on your chosen package.

Should you meet the financial threshold mentioned above, you can then move on to the next phase of applying for an MM2H visa.

How to apply for the MM2H Visa?

You can apply for your MM2H visa either from overseas or while you are present in Malaysia. To walk you through the application process, we have prepared a checklist with a breakdown of the required documents:

Step 1:  Submit An Email or Online Enquiry 

First, submit an online inquiry or shoot an email to MM2H. They’ll send you an official info pack with all the details about the company and their services. Povide the initial documents for them to check if you’re eligible for the MM2H program.

Step 2: Submission of documents

There are 2 ways for you to submit your application. One, you can self-submit if you are familiar with the latest rules and processes concerning MM2H and know your way around various Government offices. The second and most common choice for applicants is to go through an MM2H licensed agent who will assist you with the entire process.

All applicants must have a Malaysian sponsor to support their application and pay a Personal Bond (up to RM 2000). If you apply through agents, they will act as your sponsor and pay for your bond.

Should you decide to apply directly yourself, here is the list of required documents. This list is as per the latest requirements announced by the government.

Letter of Application This is the Cover Letter where you should state the names of all people who are applying with you. Elaborate on key points like how you plan to support yourself in Malaysia and what financial alternatives you would be using for your daily expenses. Applicant
A Copy of Resume The resume should include:
  • Academic qualification
  • Working experiences
  • Skills or expertise acquired

MM2H Application Form
This form needs to be completed by the main applicant and his spouse (if any). Applicant and all dependants (spouse & children)
Coloured Passport size Photo 4 coloured passport size photo. Applicant and all dependants (spouse & children)
Passport All pages that contain entry or exit stamp and passport particular pages with certification on the pages with personal particulars.

*Copy of the previous passport is required if applicant/dependant (s) has renewed his/her passport within the last 12 months.
Applicant and all dependants (spouse & children)
Marriage Certificate
(if married)
To get a copy of your marriage certificate in Malaysia, you can submit an application at any NRD counter or mail it to any National Registration Department office. 

A spouse, their children, parents, siblings, or an appointed lawyer with an authorized letter can arrange for the search and extraction of the marriage register.
Applicant and spouse.
Birth Certificate If you are accompanied by children, adopted or stepchildren or your parents, you will need to show their birth certificates.

For applicants with children nearing the age of 21, they must submit their applications at least 6 months before their children reach the age of 21.

You should get a Letter of Confirmation from a Medical Specialist/General Practitioner if you are accompanied by disabled children above 21 years old.

As the principal applicant, you must provide a Statutory Declaration to bear all expenses and financial requirements during the stay in Malaysia for dependants.
Dependants including:
  • Biological, step or adopted children below 21 years old
  • Disabled children above 21 years old
  • Applicant’s parents
Bank Statement Certified True copy(s) of the latest 3 months’ bank statement /other related financial documents showing liquid funds.

Certified True copy(s) of the latest 3 months’ bank statement /other related financial documents showing bank statements showing income as deposits into a personal bank account.
Source of Income Certified True copy of the latest 3 months copies of pay slip, pension slip, or income statement. Applicant 
Criminal Clearance Letter You'll require a Criminal Clearance Letter or Certificate, an official document issued by a government agency, Police report from your country of residence or citizenship.  Applicant

You will also need to provide the following as for Sources of Income:

Source of Income Proof
  • The income needs to be supported by Bank Statements to show where the income has been credited.
  • Another source of income is not permissible if the applicant is employed
Employed (working) Latest 3 months certified copies of payslip. If your income is less than RM 40,000 per month, you can submit income from your spouse to support the application. However, the applicant’s income should exceed the spouse with a ratio of 7:3.
Employee (retired) Pension slip
Rental Income Tenancy Agreement
The Interest of Dividends from Investment Latest 6 month or 1-year statement mentioning the invested amount or dividends received.

If you’re feeling a bit lost, don’t worry! 

Preparing all these documents can be overwhelming. Fret not as you can apply for your MM2H visa via an agent. But, make sure that he/she is a Licensed Agent, registered under the Malaysian Government to provide MM2H services. You may check the list of the MM2H Licensed Agents here. Their License should look like this:

An agent will be able to guide you through all the paperwork needed to complete your application. You will get their full assistance in preparing the documents mentioned above and they will advise you based on the most up to date information regarding the application process.

Moreover, an agent can also assist you with the renewal or cancellation of your visa if required. For an additional fee, other valuable services include them helping you to settle down in Malaysia once your MM2H visa has been approved.

Step 3: Conditional Approval Letter

Upon successful submission of the above documents, you will be issued a Conditional Approval Letter by the MM2H Centre, Immigration Unit. This approval letter may take 4-5 months to be issued.

Step 4: Arrival in Malaysia

When you arrive in Malaysia with your Conditional Approval Letter, you must follow through with the remaining documents within 6 months’ time. The first thing you must do is to set up your fixed deposit account and submit the Fixed Deposit Certificate to the MM2H Authority. Below is all the information you need to know regarding your Fixed Deposit:
Set up a Fixed Deposit Account in any bank in Malaysia RM 1 million
* Additional RM50,000 per dependant will be required in the fixed deposit account.
Withdrawal Limit Applicable A maximum withdrawal of 50% from a principal amount
Purpose of Withdrawal Limit Purchase of house, medical insurance or children’s education expenses.
Documents Required for Fixed Deposit Withdrawal
  • Letter of intention to withdraw Fixed Deposit account
  • Copy of MM2H visa
  • Copy of front-page passport
  • Copy of Fixed Deposit certificate
  • Copy proof of payment for Residential property purchase (All pages of Sales & Purchase Agreement & receipt) OR Car purchase (car grant title & receipt) OR Children’s education in Malaysia (receipt) OR Medical expenses (receipt)
  • Copy of Conditional Approval Letter

Next, all applicants and their dependants must purchase Medical Insurance to cover their medical expenses. You can buy any insurance policy which is valid in Malaysia and submit the relevant document to the MM2H authority. Although this is a compulsory requirement, it can be waived for older applicants if their medical coverage is rejected due to their age.

After arriving in Malaysia, the applicant and all his/her dependants will have to go through a medical examination at any private hospital or registered clinic in Malaysia. This Medical Report (RB 11) must be sent to MM2H authority as proof that you and your dependants are in good health.

Dependants who have to attend school in Malaysia are required to apply for a Student Pass to continue their education at a primary or higher level. The Student Personal Data Form along with the Student Pass must be submitted to the MM2H Authority. 

Step 5: Supplementary Documents Submitted to the Immigration Department

These include:

  • FD Certificate: Open a fixed deposit account with any bank in Malaysia.

  • Medical Certificate: Possess a valid health insurance policy for Malaysia.

  • Medical Report: Undergo a medical check-up with a local doctor.

STEP 6: Get Endorsement Of Malaysia My Second Home MM2H Visa Stamp in Passport

This involves paying the applicable issuing visa fees, with the duration of the pass contingent upon your passport validity. The visa stamping process will be facilitated at the Immigration Department.

There you have it. We hope that this piece can assist you in one way or another. And, if you’d like to know about living in Malaysia, as well as the perks MM2H applicants stand to benefit from, you can read about it here. Also, if you want to find a suitable home loan that meets your requirements in Malaysia, click here.

Good luck!

* This article was repurposed from "Malaysia My Second Home (MM2H): What are the latest requirements & How to apply?", first published on
** The above article is intended for informational purposes only. Loanstreet accepts no responsibility for loss that may arise from reliance on information contained in the articles.


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Contributor - iProperty connects Malaysians with their property aspirations, influencing purchase intention and behaviour.


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