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Can Your Family Survive Financially Without You?

BY Team Loanstreet

Updated 07 Dec 2022

Whether you’re a sole breadwinner or one of the contributors who provide everyday needs for the family (food, clothing or education), please give yourself a pat on the back. You’re doing a very COMMENDABLE job!

But, have you ever thought about what will happen when you lose your capacity to provide for the family? For instance, when you become disabled (touch wood), who can your family rely on? When you’re no longer able to work because of severe sickness (touch wood), who’ll cover your family expenses? Or when you die unexpectedly (touch wood), can your family sustain?


What's covered in this article?

We already know that life is INEVITABLE. And, you can only earn as much (or little) as you possibly can to support your family. So, why are so many of us are still not prepared for the rainy days?

According to a statement made by Bank Negara Malaysia, only 36.5% of the total population owns at least one individual life insurance or family takaful plan. This is said to be very low compared with the government’s target of 75% by 2020.

We want to find out if it’s TRUE. Help us?

To debunk or gain new data about Malaysians’ preparations for rainy days, we’ve collaborated with our friends at Prudential and come out with “I Cover You" survey. Besides helping us out, you could also take this survey as a self-check, just to see if your family is doing alright financially when you’re no longer around. We never know. So, click on the ORANGE BUTTON below to take the survey and tell us how are you doing financially at your current age.

Have to meh? I busy tau

Well, why not? Your insights are valuable. It’ll only take 3 to 5 minutes of your time. And... to spice things up, we’re running a lucky draw for those who participate. If you’re a lucky person or think that you might get lucky, we urge you to be part of our “I Cover You" survey! Take a look at the banner above - enticing kan the prizes?
Don’t forget to share this with your family and friends. You know what they say… the more, the merrier. We’d have more data to analyse and you’d stand a chance to win one of the prize - win-win liao!
Faster, faster, take the survey. It will be closed on 30th September 2019 and the insights will be shared somewhere in October 2019. 
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About the Author

Team Loanstreet

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