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5 Things Banks Look For When Applying For A Home Loan

BY Team Loanstreet

Updated 08 Oct 2024

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Getting a house loan can be considered another step closer to adulthood. It's exciting to think about owning your own space, but there are a few important things you need to keep in mind. For starters, knowing what bank will look for when you applying their loan could be a big help! So, let's look at the key factors that can help you secure the loan! 



What's covered in this article?

1) Valuations

Image source: Zippboxx

A valuation is what a bank / professional valuer feels is a fair price for a property. This step is especially important for pre-owned houses from the secondary / sub-sale market, and less important for purchases direct from developers.

Valuations determine the upper limit of your home loan. E.g. If you purchased a house for RM400,000 but the bank valuation is only RM350,000, the mortgage loan will be based on the lower of the two. You must be able to top up the difference between the loan amount and the purchase price in cash.

It is not uncommon for valuations to lag asking prices. Different banks may produce different valuations for the same property. If necessary, do not be afraid of looking for a valuation from another bank.

2) Debt Servicing Ratio

There is a saying, “Any amount beyond the repayment capacity of a customer is too much credit”. Regardless of the valuations for your house, the main credit decision-making criteria is your ability to repay.

This is determined by your Debt Servicing Ratio (DSR), which shows how much of your income is used to pay debt installments. It is calculated in by dividing the total monthly commitment over the total monthly income.

DSR = Commitment / Income * 100%

While not always true, a rule of thumb employed by many is that your total debt repayments should not exceed 70% of your net income.

3) Supporting Income Documents

For any income you have, you are expected to provide the relevant supporting documents to the bank. These include matching pay slips, bank account statements EPF statements, income tax statements, audited accounts, etc.

There must be at least 3-6 months of paper trail records for the income. This indicates to the bank that the source of income you have is a stable one.

4) Existing Liabilities

Some borrowers feel that hiding or obfuscating their existing debt commitments would increase their chances of getting a housing loan. This is futile. Banks have visibility of all your existing liabilities with other banks via CCRIS, which is maintained by Bank Negara.

By being honest with bankers/consultants, they are better able to advise you upfront on your chances of success to save your time better.

5) Credit History

There is a misconception that if a person has no liabilities at all, they are seen as more creditworthy. This is because intuitively, the fewer liabilities you have, the better your financial health.

But the irony is that it is detrimental to not have any liabilities at all simply because banks are wary of lending large amounts to individuals with no credit history. The risk is they cannot gauge your past repayment pattern.

If you do not currently have any liabilities, make it a point to build up your credit history. It is good practice to have at least 1 other liability (E.g. credit card) to which you which you make prompt payments before applying for a home loan. 

It’s always smart to be prepared


When applying for a home loan, it helps to know what banks are looking for. Take advantage of the Home Loan Comparison tool and application service offered by us here at  Loanstreet and let us help you get the best possible outcome.

*The above article is intended for informational purposes only. Loanstreet accepts no responsibility for loss that may arise from reliance on information contained in the articles.


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Team Loanstreet

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