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The Future of Eco-Living in Malaysia

BY Team Loanstreet

Updated 13 Nov 2019

The ozone layer is thinning, the climate is changing, global warming is becoming more critical, and it is predicted that by the year 2018 the North Pole will completely disappear. Sounds like pretty bleak news to us, so what can property developers do to reduce their carbon footprints and compensate for the pollution they cause when creating new developments?

The most natural path for developers to take would be to create more nature-friendly developments that are eco-friendly and leaves the smallest of carbon footprints in the environment. Fortunately, more developers are coming to that realisation in Malaysia and are acting accordingly.

So what are some of the steps that developers can take to reduce the impact of property development on the environment?

What's covered in this article?

Building homes amidst Nature

One of the best ways to do this is to create nature-aligned developments. One such example is the upcoming Nada Alam which is the personification of the term 'nature-friendly'. The 160-acre neighbourhood is built and designed to be an enclave replete with green areas and concept parks, while recreation lakes entice joggers with the fresh breezes rolling off the water’s surface.

The very name of this township translates to “Nature’s Resonance” - a fitting name. Making up for the natural greenery they removed for development, Nada Alam will dedicate 13 acres of the development to an eco-sanctuary. Green zones are allocated to various themed parks such as a Mini Wetland as well as a bird and butterfly sanctuary.

In addition to the 13 acres of eco-sanctuary, there will also be 5 concept parks to cater to the residents - namely Nada Green, Symphony Park, Tri-Park, Senses Park and Nada Lawn. Every one of the parks are also themed to match its name. All the greenery in the township is designed to ensure that the existing eco-system is preserved and nurtured.

Nada Alam is hence an ideal example of a nature-aligned development that is designed to impact the environment in the least possible manner. Best of all, the entire development is of freehold status, allowing home owners to enjoy a steady appreciation of their property's price. Read here to find out more about what other attributes to look out for when purchasing a property.

Usage of Industrialised Building System (IBS)

Another way for new developments to reduce their carbon footprints is to utilise the Industrialised Building System (IBS). The IBS construction system simply means that the components are pre-manufactured in a controlled environment, before being transported to the construction site for assembly. Utilising the IBS system saves time and offers better quality control, making it more practical for both developer and homeowners while ensuring a timely delivery.

This is a system that is unfortunately not fully utilised in Malaysia as some developers claim that the IBS system is more expensive which will push the property prices higher. However, developments that utilise the IBS system such as Nada Alam, will significantly reduce their carbon footprints through many means, while still ensuring the highest quality of development.

Another aspect of using IBS as an environmentally friendly tool in property development is that it produces less material wastage. This is because the various material which would normally be discarded as waste if being built on site, can be reused to create other products in the manufacturing plant.      

Also, as all the products are made and delivered in bulk quantity, less trips have to be made to deliver the material to the site. While it may not sound like much, it should be noted that material transportation make up for at least one-third of the development’s environmental impact.

Hence by utilising the IBS system, the development of Nada Alam will have significantly less impact on the environment while giving its buyers the best building quality in their homes.

Homes of natural lighting and natural ventilation

This third method of making a development more eco-friendly is becoming increasingly popular - and is also being utilised by the Nada Alam development. Most notably, Nada3C which is the latest launch in Nada Alam, incorporates these features as much as possible - high ceilings, tall windows, and wide open spaces.

Nada3C poses a modern façade, with ample use of windows to allow ventilation and sunlight to permeate through the interiors; thus bringing a fresh flow of energy throughout the home. To create the illusion of a more spacious interior, the kitchen and bathrooms are complete with full height wall tiles.The blueprint was also designed to have no awkward corners. To increase the ventilation in the house, the ceilings are built to be higher than the norm.

Malaysia’s first 'Family Street'

While making no contribution to the environment, a development designed for community living certainly makes a great contribution to the society. Worth pointing out in the eco-friendly development of Nada Alam is its creation of the first ever 'Family Street' in Malaysia which encompasses the lane between the two end-lots of Nada Alam, transforming it into a multipurpose court.

Even the back lanes of the houses will be transformed into a garden of sorts for active outdoor activities - badminton courts and even a sepak takraw area to encourage communal living. And to ensure that there are no intruders into this idealistic development, Nada3C also enjoys a 3-tier security system with cutting-edge technology to keep families and assets safe.

Eco-Friendly Community Living

There are more ways of keeping a development eco-friendly, such as by ensuring that the homes come with rainwater harvesting systems, using low VOC paints and installing solar water heating systems into every home. At the end of the day, there are the homes which are just imbued with all of nature’s goodness, and that is Nada Alam. To find out whether you are able to be a proud homeowner of one of the beautiful properties here, just use this housing loan eligibility calculator.

For more information on the Seri Pajam Development affordable home product, call 06-799 2218, email [email protected] or visit

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Team Loanstreet

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