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13 Benefits for Selangorians That You Might Not Know!

BY Nisya Aziz

Updated 19 Oct 2018

Most of us living in the urban state can agree that life can be difficult at times when it comes to daily expenses and living costs. Period. That being said, if you were born and/or living in Selangor, you’re LUCKY. This is because the state government has a series of programmes under the Inisiatif Peduli Rakyat (IPR) to help you lessen that financial burden.

Although these initiatives were launched in 2007, not many people know about the schemes offered. Here are the 14 programmes that you (citizens of Selangor) can look into. 

What's covered in this article?


1. RM1,500 for your newborn baby!

So you just gave birth? Yay, congratulations! Here’s something for your kid. Think of it as a fund that will benefit him/her in the future. Eligible children that are registered under the Tabung Warisan Anak Selangor (TAWAS) will receive a sum of RM1,500 upon reaching the age of 18 years old, which will be given by the state government

Take note that the application must be made before the baby turns 3 years old. Also, the fund will be given to the TAWAS member's heirs if he/she dies before reaching the age of 18 (touch wood).


Refer below conditions to know if your kid is eligible for this programme.

First Condition

  • The baby must be a Malaysian citizen who was born in Selangor.
  • Either one of the applicant's parent was born in Selangor, or in Kuala Lumpur before 1 February 1974.

Second  Condition

  • The baby must be a Malaysian citizen who was born in Selangor.
  • Applicant's parents were not born in Selangor, but have resided in the state for at least 5 years. The residential status must be verified by the Parliament member of Selangor, Selangor State Service Center, the Council of Local Authorities, penghulu, chairman of housing park community leader or the mosque Nazir.

Third  Condition

  • The baby must be a Malaysian citizen who was born in Selangor. Or any of the states bordering Selangor (Negeri Sembilan, Perak, or Kuala Lumpur).
  • Applicant's parents were not born in Selangor, but have resided in the state for at least 5 years. The residential status must be verified by the Parliament member of Selangor, Selangor State Service Center, the Council of Local Authorities, penghulu, chairman of housing park community leader or the mosque Nazir.


2. Farmers’ Kids Will Not Be Abandoned

Besides enhancing the school infrastructure in the estates, the Selangor state government also started to help the children of farm workers with financial aid for their education expenses. With this assistance, it is hoped that the children will be able to improve their education and/or technical skills. 

There are a few programmes under this initiative such as scholarship assistance and technical skills programme at INSPENS College, just to name a few. For more info or the complete programme, click here.

The requirements are simple:

  • Either one of the applicant's parent is a farmer and was born in Selangor, or has lived in Selangor for at least five years
  • The monthly household income of the applicant's parents is less than RM1,500. 


3. Get RM100 nursery fee monthly!

Taking care of a child is not cheap and the daycare can be crazy expensive. Through Skim Bantuan Asuhan Rakyat (ASUH PINTAR), eligible and qualified parents will receive TASKA or nursery fees of RM100 per month. The assistance fee will be paid directly to the TASKA or nursery.

To be eligible for the scheme you must meet the terms as below:

  • Must be a Malaysian citizen.
  • One of the parents must be born in Selangor and currently residing in Selangor; OR the child was born in Selangor and is currently living in Selangor; OR the parents have resided in Selangor valid for at least 5 years.The residential status must be verified by the Parliament member of Selangor, Selangor State Service Center, the Council of Local Authorities, penghulu, chairman of housing park community leader or the mosque Nazir.
  • Overall household income must be RM5,000 and below (basic salary).
  • Both parents must be working full-time.
  • The child must be sent to a daycare or nursery that is registered with the Department of Social Welfare (JKM).
  • Limited to 2 children and they must be aged 4 and below.
  • Both parents are registered voters with EC (Election Commission of Malaysia) - not necessarily need to vote in Selangor.


4. RM50 for the Preschool Education

Is it time for your kid to enter pre-school? Then Skim Bantuan Tadika Selangor or known as TUNAS  is for you. It’s not a cash fund, but the Selangor government will help you to pay RM50 for the pre-school education every month. It’ll be given straight to the centres that are registered with Majlis Permuafakatan Tadika Selangor.

To see your eligibility, look at the conditions below:

  • Must be a Malaysian Citizen.
  • One of the parents must be born in Selangor and currently residing in Selangor, OR the child was born in Selangor and is currently living in Selangor; OR the parents have resided in Selangor valid for at least 5 years. The residential status must be verified by the Parliament member of Selangor, Selangor State Service Center, the Council of Local Authorities, penghulu, chairman of housing park community leader or the mosque Nazir.
  • Must have a household income of RM3,000 and below.
  • Either parent must be working full-time.
  • Only children aged 5 to 6 years old are eligible.


5. FREE Tuition Classes for Your KIDS

Here’s the situation: Your kids are not doing that great in school and you can’t afford any additional expenses at the moment to send them for tuitions. Fret not as there is a solution. Sign up for this FREE programme called Pusat Tuisyen Rakyat Selangor (PTRS). Only students from households in Selangor with a monthly income of RM2,000 and below are eligible for this scheme. 

This initiative is aimed at helping students that are struggling academically from the lower income group with special classes that can supplement their education in schools. The list of subjects offered under this programme is Bahasa Melayu, English, Mathematics, Science and History. Interested? Call 03-5544 7480/ 7481/ 7482/ 7543. 

WAIT! There’s another option - if you feel the process is so ‘mafan’, check out this other programme under the same initiative called Smart Education (Tuisyen Atas Talian). With the help of  Selangor Public Library (PPAS) dan iTTV Education Sdn Bhd, this programme provides students with the opportunity to review the desired subject through video learning. Best part - it can be accessed anytime as long as you have a computer, laptop or android mobile device; and internet connection.

The list of subjects offered under this programme is Bahasa Melayu, English, Mathematics, Additional Mathematics, Science, Physics, Chemistry and History.

6. Receive RM1,000 When You Enter College/University

Looking to further your study? This is a present for you. Through Hadiah Pengajian IPT scheme, a RM1,000 incentive is awarded to Selangor citizens from families earning RM5,000 and below.  They must be enrolled in public or private higher education institutions that have been recognised by the government for their Diploma or Degree certification.

To be eligible, you must meet below conditions:

  • Only for Malaysian citizens.
  • You and your parents must either be born in Selangor or not born in Selangor, but have been residing and schooling in Selangor for more than 11 years.
  • You are offered a spot in a university for the first semester.
  • You must be offered a spot to continue their studies full time at any IPTA or IPTS that has been recognised by the government for their diploma or degree only.
  • You have to be registered at their university to start off their studies.
  • You’re still in the process of studying.
  • The household income of your family must be RM5,000 and below.

For more information and to register, click here.


7. Let the Government Pay for Your Education

Whether you’re pursuing a Diploma, Degree or PhD studies, Tabung Kumpulan Wang Biasiswa has a few scholarships offered under this initiative that cater to different needs and of course conditions that are suitable for you. Some will give you a full scholarship, while some programmes will provide the fund in the form of variable loan whereby the reduction of the refund will be paid according to the achievement of your final CGPA.

Here are some basic terms and conditions for this scheme: 

  • The applicant was born in Selangor, or; 
  • Either one of the applicant's parent was born in Selangor OR the applicant has been living in Selangor for more than five years. 
  • The scholarship is only for students with a full-time offer at the selected universities. Priority will be given to students that have high academic qualifications. 


8.  Get RM2,500 For the Funeral Expenses of Senior/OKU Citizens  

A funeral can cost a lot of money for some - you know this if you’ve read our previous article “How Expensive Is It to Die?”. Not to be morbid, but it’s always better to prepare the umbrella before it rains. Skim Mesra Usia Emas (SMUE) is an initiative to ease the burden of the heir in resolving the affairs of the deceased, such as the whole payment or part of the burial and funeral expenses, completing part or all of the debts of the deceased and etc.

It is a free gift from the Selangor State Government to the eligible elderly and disabled. When a member dies, a registered nominee may claim from the State Service Center where they have been registered and the state government will contribute RM2,500.

The following conditions must be met to be eligible:

  • Registration of the membership must follow the address of residence according to their MyKad.
  • Applicants born in Selangor but living out of the state are not qualified.
  • Guardian or next of kin must be Malaysian.
  • The representative for the deceased could be a child, wife, husband, parent, grandchild, sibling, in-laws or an organisation.
  • The representative is chosen by the relatives of the deceased.


9. Mothers Can Get Basic Necessities Worth RM200

To recognise the great sacrifices of mothers, the Selangor State Government introduced a special welfare programme for mothers among the lower income group (Group B40) called Kasih Ibu Smart Selangor (KISS).

It aims to reduce the cost of living through financial assistance for the purchase of basic necessities. Participants of this programme can purchase basic necessities worth RM200 monthly at the registered shops and supermarkets.

To be eligible for the scheme you must meet the terms as below:

  • Must be a Malaysian citizen
  • Born in Selangor or reside in Selangor for more than 10 years
  • Registered voters in Selangor
  • Married women (married or single mothers) who have children/ dependents under the age of 21
  • The household income must be below RM2,000 per month.

To register and know more about it, click here.


10. Get Your FREE Mammogram Checkup 

Ladies, if you haven’t had your mammogram, do take advantage of this programme. Don’t know what’s a mammogram? It’s an X-ray of the breast to detect and diagnose breast cancer. 

Through Skim Kesihatan Wanita: Mammogram Selangor (MAMMOSEL), you’ll get a FREE mammogram check. This is available for all women born in Selangor or with Selangor residency that are aged 35 years old and above.

Below are the conditions to be met to be eligible:

  • Must be a Malaysian Citizen.
  • Must be born in Selangor or with permanent resident status for up to 11 years.
  • Must be aged 35 years old and above.

For more information, you can check out their Facebook page here.


11. Receive Medical Expenses up to RM500

The Malaysian government prides itself on providing the best and most affordable health care in the world. In line with that statement, the Selangor State Government allocates RM125 million annually for the provision of free healthcare service called Skim Peduli Sihat to 250,000 families or a million Malaysians.

Managed by Selgate Corporation as the Third-Party Healthcare Administrator, it will fund primary care for every eligible family of up to RM500 a year. Successful applicants will receive a 'Peduli Sihat' health card that entitles the cardholder and his/her wife and two children below the age of 21 to receive treatment from the registered clinics. 

There are two categories for the Skim Peduli Sihat, namely: 

Category A

  • For husband, wife, and two children below the age of 21 
  • The monthly household income must be no more than RM3,000
  • Will get a card worth RM 500.00 a year
  • Applied Limit: RM50 per treatment
  • Type of Treatment / Medical: No limits
  • Health Card HEALTHCARE Card: Free (one card for one family / main account holder)

Category B

  • Individuals above the age of 21
  • The monthly individual income is no more than RM1,500
  • Will get a card worth RM 200.00 a year
  • Applied Limit: RM50 per treatment
  • Type of Treatment / Medical: No limits
  • HEALTHCARE SERVICE Card: Free (one card for an individual / primary account holder)

For more details or to register, click here.

12. Business Loan up to RM50,000 With No Interest Is Available!

To help out the Selangor entrepreneurs with their businesses, the state government has provided a business loan up to RM50,000 with no interest via a scheme called Hijrah Selangor. This is a great initiative as it makes it easier for those that are just starting out or don’t have enough capital.

To be eligible, you must meet below conditions:

  • Malaysian citizens aged 18 to 60 years old.
  • Applicants must own a specific business premise.
  • Applicants must have an official business license or permit.
  • Applicants must have a clean record from any financial institute or government agency.
  • Applicants must be involved directly with the business.

For more information, click on the official website here.

13. FREE internet access 

“Got WiFi here ah?” This question seems to be the norm now. Plus, no soul will say “NO” to FREE WiFi. We’re not sure how reliable is the internet connection, but there are about 3,600 FREE WiFi spots in Selangor  - thanks to the SmartSelangor Wi-Fi initiative.

Currently, the state government is working on increasing the number of hotspots in the states. They will prioritise areas concentrated with people from the lower income group, as well as students. Take note that for now, one 'hotspot' is limit to 30 users.

Refer to the list of hotspots here.

So, how many of the above perks that you are aware of? Many of them are not known to many people and if you’re a Selangorian, make sure you claim it (if you’re eligible). Even if most of them don’t apply to you, don’t forget to share it with your family and friends - we never know who might need it.

Other than that, with the spirit of Malaysia Baru, if you want to suggest something, give feedback or make a complaint, you can do so via Selangor Complaints Portal.

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About the Author

Nisya Aziz

A storyteller at Finology, who drinks coffee like its water, Nisya enjoy bringing valuable, educational and entertaining content to others. When not busy crafting content, you’ll find her in the boulder gym or on stage, performing theatre shows.


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