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Entry Costs of Buying a Property

BY Team Loanstreet

Updated 12 Dec 2024

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*The content and information on this article might be changed or updated periodically by Team Loanstreet without notice.

When we talk about buying a property, the first cost that comes to mind is always the initial down payment. But is that all? Aside from the down payment, there are other entry costs such as legal fees, stamp duty, valuation fees, and the real estate agent’s fee which are equally important, but usually overlooked.

Here, we unveil to you the possible costs which you may incur when buying a property.

Try our Home Loan Calculator which is great for calculating your entry costs. Below we explain the different entry costs in more detail.


What's covered in this article?

1. Down payment


10% of the total purchase price OR the difference between the loan amount and the purchase price.


2. Costs related to S&P Agreement (Legal Fees + Stamp Duty)


a. Legal Fees

Price Range Legal Fee
Up to RM 50,000 1.25 (subject to a minimum of RM500)
RM 500,001 – RM 7.5 million 1.00
Above RM7.5 million Negotiable (not exceeding 1%)

b. Stamp Duty

Purchase price Charge (%)
First RM 100,000 1.00
RM101,000 – RM500,000 2.00
RM500,001 – RM 1 juta 3.00
Above RM1 million 4.00

Starting in 2024, first-time homebuyers purchasing properties worth up to RM500,000 will enjoy a full stamp duty exemption. For properties priced between RM500,000 and RM1 million, you’ll receive a 75% exemption. This policy is valid until 31 December 2025.

3. Costs related to Loan Agreement (Legal Fees + Stamp Duty)


a. Legal Fees


The legal fee percentage and structure for loan agreements are similar to the S&P legal fee structure (refer to Table 2a above). However, it will be based on the loan amount (unlike S&P which is based on the purchase price).


b. Stamp Duty

Loan Amount Charge
Any amount 0.5%

4. Valuation Fees (Where formal valuations are required)

Value Rate (%)
First RM100,000  0.250
Next 1,900,000  0.200
Next 5,000,000  0.167
Next 8,000,000  0.125
Next 35,000,000  0.100

5. Real Estate Agent’s Fee (Usually paid by the seller but may be charged to a buyer instead)

Purchase price Charge
Any amount 3.000%

*Note: Real estate agent fees vary from 2 - 3% regardless of price. Cost is beared by developers and sellers in most instances.


Are you ready? 



There are people who make the mistake of underestimating the affordability of a property before they make a purchase. In most cases, it is the lack of knowledge regarding the hidden entry costs that causes complications.


If you are considering a property purchase, Loanstreet has a Home Loan Calculator that helps you to visualize not just the monthly installments, but also the Entry Costs involved before you purchase any property.


Once you have determined its affordability, remember to make use of our Home Loan Comparison tool to find the cheapest loans available for your needs!


*The above article is intended for informational purposes only. Loanstreet accepts no responsibility for loss that may arise from reliance on information contained in the articles.



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Team Loanstreet

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